そして、”Vocal”録りは、我が”Infinite Art Studio”で録る予定
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Great to see an update on your blog! The progress on "Ignites" sounds exciting, especially with the demo of "Youth" taking shape. Recording with electronic drums is a smart choice for flexibility. I’m curious about the vocal recording at Infinite Art Studio—sounds like a fun challenge! By the way, if you’re looking for creative inspiration, check out the Infinite Craft game; it’s a fantastic outlet for artistic ideas. Looking forward to the finished track!
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Exciting updates on 'Ignites' recording process! The demo for 'Youth' is shaping up with drums, bass, and guitar already done, and vocals and possibly keyboards next in line. The creative energy and experimental approach make this recording truly special. For another creative challenge, give My Wordle a try—it’s a fun way to stay inspired!
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- 2024.11.04 16:44
久々のブログ更新ありがとうございます!新しい曲“Youth”のレコーディング進行中なんですね。ドラム、ベース、ギターの録音が終わっているとは、すごい!電子ドラムを使っているというのが面白いですね。MixもShigeさんが手掛けているなんて、信頼感があります。そして、”Vocal”録りは“Infinite Art Studio”で行う予定ということで、どんな音になるのか楽しみです。
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With the drums, bass, and guitar already done, and vocals up next, it seems like everything is coming together.
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